Blue Sky Cabo

Blue Sky Cabo approached IDMD in 2014 when the owner, Jim Korchinski, wanted to try online advertising for his boat charter company. We started with a Facebook page with less than 100 followers, and no form of advertising.  Based on my research on growing pages with engagement, our strategy was to build the followers slowly with engagement up to 1000, then 5000 followers.  Once achieved, we pivoted to cpc to the website for the entire budget, allowing the page to grow organically through ongoing engagement with content.  The page now has more than 250,000 followers and Jim’s only advertising continues to be through IDMD on Facebook and Instagram. Click to Follow Blue Sky here. 

Calgary MediSpa

Calgary MediSpa approached IDMD looking for assistance in updating its online brand. We created a website in WordPress which we optimized using Semsrush (click here for a FREE trial), created blog posts and social posts that we scheduled in Metricool (click here for a FREE trial) and created videos for social media and the website.

The Festival Chorus

The Festival Chorus contacted IDMD in 2017 when the webmaster concluded the contract. The existing website was outdated and not mobile-friendly, so the first important step was to redesign the website in WordPress.  Following the redesign, we updated the SSL, improved SEO through Semrush (click here for a FREE trial) and changed the hosting provider. During COVID-19, we were able to make use of their online presence through virtual performances and virtual paperless solutions, which we continue to utilize today.

Built by NPCM

Built by NPCM contacted IDMD for an updated WordPress website to replace their outdated site. We were able to provide a modern, mobile-friendly website within their budget by working with the client to provide copy and select creative to best represent their brand. By working together, we were able to create this site for a minimal budget and a tight timeline.

Acclaro Consulting Solutions Inc.

Acclaro Consulting Solutions Inc. contracted IDMD to create a website for their consulting business based in Calgary and Fernie. We worked with a “Do it With Me” solution where the client collaborated with IDMD to provide content, allowing us to customize a design within a budget and the desired time frame.