IDMD can design, update and maintain your WordPress website to ensure that it is mobile friendly, functional, secure and meets your business needs. WordPress is a powerful platform and the gold standard for SEO and design as it provides endless functionality through updated themes and plugins. However, WordPress can be vulnerable to hackers if security measures are not installed, weak passwords and usernames are used or if plugins are not updated.
IDMD is a Shopify Partner, creating e-commerce shopping sites that process payments and allow you to quickly pivot to online sales when COVID requires closures or limited capacity at your brick and mortar location. Contact us for Shopify solutions as an addition to your website or as a website alternative to replace an existing site.
IDMD has specialized in Social Media Advertising for more than 15 years, testing Facebook and Instagram campaigns, creating custom theme pages and measuring ROI through machine learning and AI solutions. We have proven that our methods for placing and optimizing ads on social channels saves you time, money and allows you to focus on your business.
We also provide in-depth reporting so that you know who is clicking on your ads, what your spend is and how you can optimize your audiences and messages.
IDMD is a solutions based business, finding the right tools to help you grow your business online and offline. We are able to provide content, design, blog posts, SEO (organic and paid), trouble-shooting, updates to existing websites, Facebook and Instagram page redesign, networking, branding and more. We also work with not-for-profits and events to generate revenue through sponsorship and fundraising. Contact IDMD for a meeting to discuss how we can help you reach your goals.